An American Family Release Day & Giveaway

Click on the cover below for your chance to win a copy of the new contemporary suspense, An American Family:


The Lights Will Never Fade, FREE On Kindle, 2/24-2/28

Download your copy for free, 2/24/2-28 only:


Enter To Win The Kindle Version Of My Books

Click on the covers below to win a Kindle copy of my books. Or, they are only $2.99, so pick up a copy today. The drawing ends January 26 at midnight.


The Lights Will Never Fade, Available On The Kindle

Eighteen-year-old Peyton Hamilton is a typical Midwest girl – until the Shadow helps her escape the most gruesome murder that the small town of Jenks, Oklahoma has ever seen.

Soon after, she returns home only to find the rest of her family dead.

Haunted by the Shadow ever since, Peyton is not the only one this supernatural being has chosen – and now, no one is safe from its wrath. Escaping to live with her only living relative, Peyton discovers that they both have dark secrets that cannot remain buried.

Secrets which fuel the Shadow’s vengeance.

In the end, can Peyton prevent any more bloodshed, or is there no stopping this supernatural nightmare?


The Earth Bleeds Red Giveaway, Signed Copy

Click on the banner below for a chance to win a signed copy:


With the Completion of My Third Book…

This past year has been the busiest year of my life. As I look back on the past 18 months, I’m determined to grow in all areas over the next year. Here’s a few major things I’ve been able to accomplish since the beginning of 2013:

February 2013: Finished writing The Earth Bleeds Red (2nd book, 1st novel)

April 2013: Signed my first publishing deal

July 2013: Moved from Oregon to Georgia with 4 kids, an overpacked minivan, and a one-eyed pug

September 2013: Launched a business: Name Brand Thrift

October 2013: The Earth Bleeds Red was released

August 2014: Finished writing The Lights Will Never Fade

As I look back at this timeline of accomplishments/major life events, I’m both joyful and troubled. I’m happy that I was able to achieve several goals, but disappointed that it took me so long to finish writing my next novel. If I had kept writing at my regular pace, I would have finished writing it in September 2013, and finished the next book that I’m only beginning now. It feels as though I’ve lost a year of writing.

It wasn’t because of laziness, however. I’ve been finishing up school at Oregon State and growing the business I started last year. I couldn’t believe how quickly it took off and absolutely love working from home and doing something that brings me joy.

Now that the business is where it is, I’m able to devote regular time to reading and writing again. It feels like my life has more of a balance.

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I’m trying to decide if I want to go through the query process again of trying to find a lit agent or publishing company, or if I want to self-publish and avoid the long waits and frustrations of traditional publishing.

Michelle Bellon’s Interview of Jackson Paul Baer

Thank you so much to the talented, Michelle Bellon, for hosting me on her blog. Michelle is an award-winning author and you should really check out one of her books. Click on the photo below to read the interview:

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What the Hell: Goodreads Giveaway

The giveaway for The Earth Bleeds Red went so well, I’m doing one for my first book, What the Hell. It’s been out for a little over two years now and is sure to force you to rethink your view of God’s love. Click below to enter the giveaway for a signed copy.

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